The new global legal norms
As multinationals move around the globe, legal systems are cross-pollinated. China is a case in point, says Reuben Guttman who has just returned from an event in Shanghai dealing with securities...
Justice Takes Side of Landis
Washington, DC -- It looks like the false claims case against Lance Armstrong, which was brought by Floyd Landis, will finally see the light of day. It is reported that the United States Departm...
Doping and How we Play the Game
Now that Lance Armstrong has admitted that he doped, fans across the globe must be wondering what was he thinking? Perhaps he surmised that breaking anti-doping rules is just a part of the game....
It shouldn’t be about the bounty
Whistleblowers have bagged US federal authorities a pile of recovered cash this year – and themselves some big reward money. But Reuben Guttman’s hero is a man who received not a penny of bounty...
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
By Reuben Marvin Miller, the one-time Steelworkers Union economist and the man behind the modern baseball player's union -- and perhaps indirectly all North American professional athletes’ union...
What it means to be a whistleblower
Individuals blowing the whistle can receive millions of dollars for their information but is this the motivation? 2012 can be looked upon as the year of the whistleblower as the US government wa...
Doing the right thing
Are global corporations under just a moral obligation rather than a legal duty to behave responsibly around the world? See Reuben Guttman’s October 5, 2012 blog in The European Lawyer. DUBLIN –...
Professional melting pot
DUBLIN -- At the old Jameson Distillery, lawyers from across the globe danced into the night listening to a band from Long Island pumping out the music of the Irish rockers U2. The International...
Puckering Up
“Whether to blow or not to blow – that intriguing issue triggered heated debate at a session on criminal fraud and the global economic recession at this week’s International Bar Association annua...
“Backing Barack”
The US President wins some heavyweight economic support as Reuben Guttman sees the curtain rise on the International Bar Association’s annual gathering in Dublin, Ireland. See Reuben Guttman’s O...
Guttman and Buschner Represent Key Whistleblower in Justice Dept.’s $1.04 Billion Civil Settlement with GlaxoSmithKline
Reuben Guttman led team on behalf of a former GlaxoSmithKline Therapeutic Sales Manager who alleged misrepresentation in promotion of company's asthma/COPD drug Advair; firm's third major whistle...
AEI Presents Study on the Effects of Anti-Industry Bias
Last Thursday, June 21, 2012, the American Enterprise Institute held a panel, entitled "Muzzle pharma, harm patients: The dangers of anti-industry bias." Sitting on the panel were George Ch...
About the Abbott Settlement
By Reuben Guttman and Traci Buschner We were proud to have represented the lead whistleblower in Abbott's 1.6 billion dollar settlement with the government which resolved claims involving t...
Guttman and Buschner Represents Lead Whistleblower in $1.6 Billion Settlement with Abbott Laboratories
Payment may be largest ever in single-drug case in history of False Claims Act; 4 ½ year investigation revealed Depakote was illegally marketed for children and geriatric patients; doctors given...
Why Fighting Government Contract Fraud Makes a Difference
As the fate of a government shutdown last week was teetering over budget cuts of between $20-$40 billion, I could not help remind myself that only last year the Deputy Attorney General of the Uni...
The Schindler Decision: Now It’s Congress’ Turn
With the heightened pleading standard established by the Supreme Court in Twombly and Iqbal, it must follow that Plaintiffs are entitled to some accommodation in the manner and methods used to mu...
Medicare Decides It Takes a Thief to Catch a Thief
With Medicare fraud costing the federal government an estimated $60 billion a year, it makes perfect sense that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has tapped aerospace innovator North...
Fraudsters lobby to muzzle whistleblowers Commentary: Corporations have proven they can’t police themselves
Last October, representatives from Pfizer Inc., Tyco International Ltd., Citigroup Inc. and other major companies met with officials from the Securities and Exchange Commission to share their vie...
FIRST PERSON: Don’t Muzzle the Whistleblowers
RIPPING OFF THE U.S. government has reached epidemic proportions. The Department of Justice estimates that fraud costs the Medicare system alone between $30-$60 billion annually. But instead of f...
Pharmaceutical Regulation in the United States: A Confluence of Influences
Background Pharmaceuticals, like other consumer products distributed in the United States, are subject to regulation and scrutiny from multiple sources. Legislative oversight and statutory prono...
Corporate Integrity Agreements: Asking the Companies to Police Themselves, Please
I. Introduction The use of a corporate integrity agreements (“CIA”) in resolving the prosecution of pharmaceutical and medical companies is commonplace. As part of a deferred prosecution agreeme...
Blowing the Whistle on Securities Fraud Means Money for Whistleblowers
The Dodd- Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: The SEC Whistleblower Provision On July 15, 2010 the Senate voted 60-to-39 to adopt the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer...
Changes to the False Claims Act in Senate Bill 386
Introduction Under new legislation, the federal False Claims Act (FCA),[1] will take an even more prominent role in protecting from fraud the increase of federal spending to meet the nation's fi...