ABOUT Dr. Caroline Poplin
Of Counsel & Medical Director
Dr. Caroline Poplin graduated from Bryn Mawr College and Yale Law School. She practiced law for twelve years, with the FDA, the EPA, and for several years in Chicago, with Mayer Brown and Platt. Her article in the UCLA Law Review was quoted by Justice Brennan in a 1976 Supreme Court case, Franks v. Bowman Transportation. Seeking a new challenge, she went to medical school at 40, graduating from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and completing her residency in internal medicine at Georgetown University Hospital. Subsequently, she practiced inpatient and outpatient medicine for twelve years for the Department of Defense, first at a community hospital at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and for five years at Bethesda Naval Hospital, where she received an award for Outstanding Customer Service. She served as an Assistant Professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (the military medical school), and on the NIH Institutional Review Board for the National Eye Institute and the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke. She is Board Certified in internal medicine: she re-certified in 2004 and 2014. Dr. Poplin has active medical licenses in Maryland and Virginia. She is a member of the DC Bar and today she practices at the Arlington Free clinic in Arlington Virginia.
After retiring from the Federal government, she served as a Visiting Fellow at the Center for American Progress, and a Visiting Scholar at the Georgetown University Law Center.
Dr. Poplin has provided key legal and medical advice to Mr. Guttman and Ms. Buschner for five years, on important cases involving not only off-label marketing of pharmaceuticals, but attempts by nursing homes and hospitals to defraud Medicare and Medicaid.
She has published articles about health policy reform in academic journals, and a dozen op-eds, which have appeared in major newspapers around the country, such as the Miami Herald, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Baltimore Sun, and Newsday.