Justice Takes Side of Landis

Washington, DC — It looks like the false claims case against Lance Armstrong, which was brought by Floyd Landis, will finally see the light of day.

It is reported that the United States Department of Justice has decided to intervene in the case against Armstrong.

Landis, who brought suit as a whistleblower under the Federal False Claims Act, alleged that Armstrong participated in a scheme to cause the United States Postal Service to wrongfully pay out money to his Tour de France teams.

The apparent decision by the United States Department of Justice to intervene on behalf of Landis means that the government will take responsibility for prosecuting what at least now is a civil matter. It also means that the seal will finally be lifted on the case and litigation, to a large degree, will occur in proceedings that are more transparent then they have been.

As a technical matter, the case brought by Landis still remains under seal even though it was leaked out to a New York newspaper.

The government decision on intervention also probably means that efforts to resolve the case short of full-blown litigation failed.

Unless this matter is resolved in the early stages of litigation, Armstrong will undoubtedly have to participate in court mandated discovery and even submit to a deposition. Unless the court seals the record, the public is likely to hear more about this matter with bloggers salivating about the prospect of reading Armstrong testimony.

Still looming over Armstrong is the prospect of a criminal indictment. The Government’s decision to pursue the false claims case certainly does not rule out that prospect. The United States Department of Justice often pursues both civil and criminal allegations in what are known as parallel proceedings or investigations.

For now, one thing is sure; the false claims case against Lance Armstrong is about to get more interesting.


Dr. Caroline Poplin’s Letter to the NY Times Editor in response to David Goldhill’s Op Ed entitled “The Health Benefits That Cut Your Pay”

To the Editor:

With the best intentions, David Goldhill has described a free-market fantasy of health care. Market prices are based on power. In the United States today, hospitals and large doctor groups wield enormous market power, and they exercise it ruthlessly; consumers have none. Hospitals charge whatever the market will bear; uninsured patients pay the highest prices.

Large insurers bargain for “discounts” from prices set high enough so that hospitals still profit, and pass some of the “savings” on to large employers, who also have market power, but not to small businesses or individuals.

Whatever their faults, single-payer systems using government leverage, like the Canadians’ — or Medicare — deliver decent quality care to more people at lower cost. Mr. Goldhill makes the best the enemy of the good.

Bethesda, Md., Feb. 17, 2013

The writer is a primary care physician.


Doping and How we Play the Game

Now that Lance Armstrong has admitted that he doped, fans across the globe must be wondering what was he thinking?  Perhaps he surmised that breaking anti-doping rules is just a part of the game.

One thing that Lance Armstrong probably did not anticipate was a Federal statute known as the False Claims Act which encourages private citizen whistleblowers with monetary bounties when their efforts are successful. Undoubtedly, he also did not anticipate that his own teammate, Floyd Landis, would sue him under that statute as we now know because a copy of that lawsuit, filed under court seal, has leaked out.

As to whether breaking the rules of a sport is part of the game, the truth is that youth in sports leagues across the United States are actually schooled on the calculus of breaking the rules.  Young Squirt hockey players encased in equipment that makes them look like skating trolls are taught that it is OK to trip an opponent who is about to score a goal because the two-minute penalty is a reasonable cost to pay to keep a point off the board.  Pint-sized hoopsters learn that fouling an opponent is a reasonable part of a last ditch strategy to get the ball back with moments left in a close game.

Off the field of play, our youth revel in stories about professional athletes who pushed the edge of the envelope, even crossing the line, during the course of their careers. Didn’t Hall of Fame Pitcher Gaylord Perry write a book called “Me and the Spitter?”  In the 1972 hockey series where Team Canada played the Soviets, a turning point came when Canadian center Bobbie Clarke swung his stick, breaking the ankle of Soviet Star, Valarie Kharlamov.  The series turned quickly for the Canadians who eventually won it by a score of 4-3 with one tie.  Canada won the series 4-3 with one tie, and Clarke, who is actually a very nice guy, became a national hero and a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame.

Unfortunately, when our youth turn into adults and trade up their sports equipment for Neiman Marcus suits and their playing turf for corporate board rooms, they sometimes seem to have remembered the economic calculus they learned at a young age.  Will I be caught and what is the penalty?

Why not fire the worker who complains of national origin discrimination when the worst case scenario is a back pay award measured at $11 an hour?  Or why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to make a workplace safe when most violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act are never caught and OSHA fines rarely exceed five digits?  Or better yet, why not overstate a company’s earnings in order to inflate the stock price so executives can be paid large bonuses when the worst case scenario is that the corporation may be hit with a securities fraud class action that may be hard to prove and will be settled by the corporation anyway?  Alright, no one ever said the calculus works all the time.  Enron’s Jeffrey Skilling, who no longer has the luxury to get in a car and stop by a news stand to buy this paper, probably could tell you that.

Americans love to talk about how team sports builds character.  Perhaps for this reason our national obsession with the use of performance enhancing drugs is similarly bound up in the notion that fair play and sportsmanship is part of that character building thing.  Several baseball players, whose careers were in some ways tied to steroids, were recently denied entrance into the Hall of Fame.  Imagine placing these players in the same Hall with others who did not have such an unfair advantage.

Few noticed that at the same time, the gate to the Hall was opened for Jacob Ruppert, the one-time owner of the Yankees.  Ruppert, like other owners of his era, ran a segregated baseball team enforcing rules which actually violated federal anti-discrimination laws enacted after the Civil War. He must have correctly assumed that no one in the 1920’s would step forward and enforce, or at least successfully enforce, the Civil Rights Act of 1866.  Yet, as to the notion of a level playing field, I wonder how many home runs Babe Ruth would have hit had he faced some of the elite black pitchers of his time.

For athletes like Armstrong and the baseball players who have been tainted by charges of doping, their predicaments must be extremely frustrating.  How can breaking the rules of the game lead to so much trouble particularly where some of the corporate sponsors knew or should have known that doping may have played a role in repeated Tour De France wins or 70 home run years.  No doubt those same sponsors, which made millions off the endorsements, did the calculus they too learned as squirts.  Though they may complain now, did they really care if Armstrong was doping as long as consumers were buying Armstrong endorsed apparel?

Unfortunately, Armstrong may have broken more than just the rules of the game if he made false representations to the United States Postal Service in order to secure $30 million in funding for his Postal Service Team.  Prosecutors have no doubt combed through documents to determine whether compliance with the rules of the game, including refraining from performance-enhancing drugs, was a condition of funding.  Did Armstrong make a false representation to the government either directly or indirectly to get funding?  Did he cause a false representation to be made to get federal money?

For his part, Armstrong probably never calculated the possibility that a whistleblower could step forward and initiate a lawsuit against him in the name of the government. The False Claims Act, which was passed by Congress in 1864, is at least one law of that era that is having an impact on sports.  The Act allows individuals with knowledge of activity which causes the wrongful expenditure of government dollars the standing to file a lawsuit in the name of the government. If the suit is successful, the whistleblower, known as a relator, can actually be awarded up to 30 percent of the recovery. These types of lawsuits remain under seal while the Department of Justice conducts an investigation.  For Armstrong, the stakes are high because the law requires the return of three times actual damages to the government which means a potential $90 million price tag for Armstrong if he loses. Worse yet, these suits often trigger parallel criminal investigations for mail or wire fraud or false statements to federal agents. A previous Justice Department inquiry was dropped early last year.

Yet, at the end of the day, the big issue is what we do about the age-old calculus which has sent the message to our youth that it is OK to break the rules if the price is worth it and there is even the possibility of not being caught.  Is it enough to say, as Lance Armstrong has learned, that sometimes it is not just about breaking the rules of the game — not to mention that even teammates can be whistleblowers?

Original blog post: https://www.statesman.com/article/20130128/NEWS/301289669


Whistleblowers and the people and organisations that support them have been making waves  and making news for decades. Finally, they’re making laws.

Over the past two years, many countries throughout the world have passed new or strengthened existing laws to protect whistleblowers from retaliation, and to help ensure that their efforts to disclosure corruption, fraud and other crimes result in needed reforms.

From Luxembourg to Vietnam, from South Korea to the US, and from Peru to Jamaica, countries in all regions of the world are granting new and expanded legal protections to people who expose a wide range of crimes. In many more countries – Australia, Canada, Colombia, Guatemala, IndiaIreland, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan and Taiwan, to name just a few – new or improved whistleblower protection laws are actively under consideration or being proposed.

The latest major breakthrough came in November, when US President Barack Obama signed into law the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, which will provide new legal shields for federal employees – including protection for government scientists who challenge censorship, and for employees who challenge the consequences of the government’s policy decisions.

Thirteen years in the making, this victory was pushed over the top thanks to an extraordinary grassroots campaign by the Government Accountability Project, the Project on Government Oversight and the public radio programme “On the Media”.

And, last month, the European Commission – acknowledging input from TI and our friends at Public Concern at Work – passed new whistleblower guidelines for EU staff members, including a critical provision that requires managers to prove that any actions taken against employees were not motivated by whistleblowing.

Why are whistleblower protection laws important? Without them, citizens can be fired, suspended, harassed or otherwise retaliated against for exposing wrongdoing. In extreme cases, they and their family members are threatened, beaten or even killed – as in the case of an Indian whistleblower named Lingaraju, who was hacked to death in front of his wife while they were fetching water near their home on November 20.

Why are whistleblowers important? Worldwide, they have saved millions of lives, helped to recover billions of dollars in stolen and lost funds, saved precious environmental resources, and exposed all manner of cases of corruption, tax evasion, financial crimes and human rights violations gone undetected or ignored by official authorities.

According to a 2012 survey by Ernst & Young, 40 percent of respondents worldwide identified whistleblowing as a highly effective tool for detecting wrongdoing. According to KPMG India, nearly 30 percent of all fraud detected in the country has surfaced due to the anonymous whistleblower.

The oldest whistleblower law in the world – the US False Claims Act ­– has been credited with securing tens of billions of dollars in fines and stolen funds. An all-time record $4.9 billion in settlements and judgments was secured by the US Justice Department in 2012 under a whistleblower law that allows citizens to expose corruption and bring it to the attention of federal investigators. The figure topped the previous record by more than $1.7 billion, and brings total recoveries under the False Claims Act since 2009 to $13.3 billion – the largest four-year total in history, and more than a third of total recoveries since the law was amended in 1986.

These huge successes led Reuben Guttman, one of the top whistleblower attorneys in the US, to proclaim, “2012 can be looked upon as the year of the whistleblower.”

The international whistleblower movement is now at the point of no return. Activists around the world are demanding legal rights and protections for whistleblowers – and they’re winning in record numbers. As these protections expand, whistleblowers will have greater assurances that if they come forward and report wrongdoing, they will not suffer the consequence of committing the truth.

Source: https://blog.transparency.org/2013/01/15/whistleblower-laws-hitting-the-books-and-whistleblowers-winning-cases-in-record-numbers/

It shouldn’t be about the bounty

Whistleblowers have bagged US federal authorities a pile of recovered cash this year – and themselves some big reward money.  But Reuben Guttman’s hero is a man who received not a penny of bounty.

Depending on how you count it, the US government recovered more than $6 billion in 2012 as a result of whistleblowers crying foul.  Enticing them to pucker up are laws paying bounties to those who report wrongdoing that cheats the government out of tax dollars, violates federal securities laws, or leads to the wrongful payment of monies that in whole or in part came from the government.

In an age of statistics and superlatives, pundits will debate who should take the title of whistleblower of the year for 2012.

Was it the person whose efforts resulted in the highest recovery ever in the US?  Or, was it those individuals who brought the cases that resulted in blockbuster settlements with global pharmaceutical companies?  Was it the person – whose name remains anonymous – who received the first Dodd-Frank bounty for reporting securities fraud to the Securities and Exchange Commission?  Or, what about that fellow who reported tax fraud and bagged a $100 million bounty from the Internal Revenue Service but was in no position to run out to the mall and blow it because he was a guest of the US Bureau of Prisons?

Radiation leaks

Regardless of who bags the unofficial title this year, I vote to recognize Pat Tucker, a soft-spoken welding inspector who lived and worked in Tennessee.  Mr. Tucker died this year; he was just 63.

Mr. Tucker worked for a contractor producing equipment for US Department of Energy nuclear weapons facilities and was in charge of inspecting welds holding joints together.  He understood that errors in his work could lead to radiation leaks.

One day Mr. Tucker arrived at work and noticed that employees were using his inspection stamp to approve welds that had not been inspected.  He reported his concerns to the department and two nuclear weapons contractors were cited for fines totaling about $100,000, the details of which are included in a government statement on October 31, 2003.

Mr. Tucker did not receive a bounty for his efforts.  He did what he did because he thought it was right.  Over the years, Mr. Tucker worked zealously to make sure that the products he inspected met specifications and he was never afraid to share concerns with government investigators.

 Moral compasses

The US bounty system is a hot topic of discussion and mystery, especially in Europe.  It surely encourages individuals to come forward and report fraud and in 2012 it is a system that has shown some success.  But not everyone who blows the whistle is motivated by a bounty.  Some people step forward because it is just the right thing to do.

When it comes time to vote for whistleblower of the year, my vote goes to the countless Pat Tuckers who are hard wired with an unwavering moral compass, and are compelled to step forward because it is the only thing they know to do when confronted with wrongdoing.

Mr. Tucker — we will remember you for your persistence, integrity, and dignity in the face of adversity.

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