Ninth Circuit decision makes it harder to bring a Federal False Claims Act case

In Cafasso v. General Dynamics, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that FCA complaints can not merely allege “unsavory conduct…[U]nsavory conduct is not, without more, actionable under the [False Claims Act].” The court goes on to say that FCA actions must “state with particularity the circumstances constitute fraud or mistake,” as well as, “plead plausible allegations.” The court’s decision forces FCA cases to clear a higher bar.

IRS gives $1.1 million to Whistleblower at Enron

The whistleblower who revealed the tax fraud at Enron is in for a big pay day. The IRS Whistleblower Office will be giving him or her $1.1 million. Unfortunately for the whistleblower, this payout is under older rules that give less money. Today, if you blow the whistle and the IRS recovers over $2 million, you can get up to 30% of the recovered money. According to the whistleblower’s firm, Phillips & Cohen, this person wishes to remain anonymous, but we do know that he or she is a Wall Street banker.

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