
On Demand CLE: Pretrial False Claims Act Litigation

Federal Bar Association Webinar - Recorded May 3, 2023 The False Claims Act, which dates back to the Lincoln Administration, provides the government the right to pursue individuals or entities...

CLE: Demand Letters and Pre-Complaint Settlement

Program Summary Civil litigation is no more than a process to resolve disputes. Most cases never go to trial because the process is designed to provide parties with sufficient information abou...

FIRST PERSON: Don’t Muzzle the Whistleblowers

RIPPING OFF THE U.S. government has reached epidemic proportions. The Department of Justice estimates that fraud costs the Medicare system alone between $30-$60 billion annually. But instead of f...

Advanced Care Scripts Inc., $1.4 million

United States of America ex rel. Paul Nee v. Biogen, Inc., et. al. District of Massachusetts. GBB attorneys settled this qui tam suit against Advanced Care Scripts and Biogen, one of the world...

Biogen Inc., $22 million

United States of America ex rel. Paul Nee v. Biogen, Inc., et. al. District of Massachusetts. GBB attorneys settled this qui tam suit against Advanced Care Scripts and Biogen, one of the...

Peer Review Doesn’t Apply in False Claims Act Suit

Massachusetts General Hospital could not assert the medical peer review privilege to block production of documents sought by a whistleblower in her False Claims Act suit over the hospital’s alleg...
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