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Frequently Asked Questions

Whistleblower FAQs

The laws governing whistleblowing and protecting whistleblowers can be confusing and complicated. We’ve answer some of the initial questions potential whistleblowers might have.


Whistleblower Protection

Many whistleblowers faced retaliation for shedding light on the truth. These statues provide protection to whistleblower.


News & Commentary

Stay up to date with news affecting whistleblowers and all things related to False Claims Act and Qui Tam litigation with insight and commentary by our Panels of experts.


Contact Us

If you think your employer is committing fraud, whether it involves pharmaceuticals, Medicaid and Medicare, Government contracting, defense contracting, securites, education or fraudulent loans and grants, contact us for answers you may have.



[special_heading type=”h2″ underline=”yes”]WhistleblowerLaws blog[/special_heading]

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[special_heading type=”h2″ underline=”yes”]About us[/special_heading]

[quote_content]MultiPurpose is probably most complete and customizable template in the world. Great deal to buy.[/quote_content]
[quote_signature name=”Tom Sterling”] / ThemeMotive Inc.[/quote_signature]

[special_heading type=”h2″ underline=”yes”]Why customers choose us[/special_heading]

MultiPurpose has got tons of the outstanding features. It is probably the most complete and custmomizable template in the world. It includes for example: 14 predefinied different index pages for multipurpose usage (corporate, business, shop, magazine, hosting, agency, hotel, landing page), 14 predefinied different menus, 14 predefinied unique premium ThemeMotive sliders, 10 styles of the headlines and so much much more.

