J&J Unit Pays $85M Fine for Misbranding Heart Drug—9/14/11
Johnson & Johnson’s Scios unit will pay $85 million in penalties for misbranding the heart drug Natrecor. Under the False Claims Act, the U.S. alleged that Johnson & Johnson illegally marketed Natrecor for off-label “serial outpatient infusions” not yet approved by the FDA. According to the U.S., this practice has led to “substantial amounts” of false claims being submitted to the Medicare program.
Read more at: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/09/14/bloomberg1376-LO1H7S1A74E901-6UOBJB6Q63F6MNPNPP8VHND6UL.DTL&type=printable